
  • Daniel Faber

    Daniel Faber, Obtique’s founder and CEO has dedicated his life and career to the arts and creation. As a young child he experimented in the realm of fine arts as well as studying music and learning to play guitar and drums. In 2009 he graduated from Parsons the New School for Design with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Product Design. By the time he had received his degree he had already started his first Design and Fabrication business, Faber Designs. At Faber Designs he mastered the Art and Craft of designing, fabricating, and installing high end custom furniture and interior construction. Working directly with his clientele and with many Interior decorators and designers he helped bring their visions to reality. Through combining state of the art design processes and with the ability to work over a wide range of fabrication techniques fused with professional finishing capabilities he has mastered the ability to deliver unique finished products over many distinctive design styles. In 2018 he rebranded his company under the name Obtique with a new vision. That vision is slowly becoming a new reality through this very website

  • Chase Hannah

    A tattoo artist originating from the rurals of Connecticut, Chase has cultivated relations throughout New England over the years as well as a few distant regions of the country. His personal work is primarily an emotion based abstraction of the photonic realm. Inspired by the most ancient of cultures while simultaneously being motivated through modern technological pursuits; Chase works within a melting pot of mediums that is ever growing from living flesh, decorative glass paintings and furniture fabrication to functional utility prototypes. For the sake of sustainability, Chase has continued to re purpose glass and other usable material that would otherwise be deemed garbage at the mercy of various corporations and construction companies. Through this randomized pallet he orchestrates symmetry and organization through patience and an open mind. The majority of his creative process revolves around the design of the microverse and how it translates into human perspective and the latter. Art is essential to our evolution if we wish to be effective in the realms of innovation and change. Without stretching our imagination beyond its limits there is no hope for improvement.

    Visualization. Intention. Conception.

  • Mig

    Mig is a self taught artist focused primarily on sculpture, but also with a focus on assemblage as well as non traditional custom furniture. Through working in many different construction industries over the course of his life, Mig has grown the skill sets needed to master both the design processes well as the execution of every step in the construction process. Engaging in every step of this process has played an integral role in the evolution of the artists style and technique.